Editorial Policy - Cannabotech

Editorial Policy

At Cannabotech, we are committed to providing practical information on the health and lifestyle benefits of cannabinoids and medicinal mushrooms.

Editorial Process

Our team of experienced writers and editors share practical advice and expert commentary on cannabinoids and medicinal mushrooms.

We achieve this by following strict guidelines and processes that ensure the highest content quality. We have a multilevel structure for creating, reviewing, editing, and publishing content. Our editorial team assigns content to our network of experts on the subject matter. We review every article before it is published.

Quality Standards

Every article published on Cannabotech is created and managed by professional writers and editors to ensure that all content is empowering, accessible and trustworthy.

Our editorial team reviews and approves all content for its relevance, and our writers are subject-matter experts who possess relevant life experience. Our team of editors, scientists, biologists, and medical health professionals manually reviews every content piece before it is approved to be published, ensuring that the information upholds the values of Cannabotech.

Our team members are responsible for disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.

Reviewing and Sourcing

A team of editors reviews Cannabotech's content to ensure relevance and accuracy. We only source content from sites and institutions that reflect the latest science-based evidence from the cannabis and medicinal mushroom industry.

Where applicable, articles include citations to support the writer's claims and encourage readers to explore the topic further.

Our editorial teams stay on top of the most current information, modify content whenever substantial industry updates emerge, and keep a close eye on health and lifestyle trends.


Please send us an email if you notice something in one of our articles that needs to be corrected. We review all feedback and make corrections and updates to our content as needed.

Have Feedback?

Please let us know via email if you have any feedback and suggestions to improve our content.

Write for Us

We're continuously growing our network of experienced writers who share our goal to provide relevant, insightful, and inspiring content. Please email us and tell us about your professional expertise.